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  3. SEIAN ARTS ATTENTION 13 fringe and fringe 縁と前髪
Design|塩谷 啓悟


 セイアンアーツアテンション13『fringe and fringe 縁と前髪』では「時間と経験」をテーマに、絵画とインスタレーション作品を中心とした展示を行います。COVID-19の感染拡大に伴い、人の移動は大きく制限されることになりました。しかし一方で、オンラインでの対話が一般化し、インターネットを介した作品鑑賞の手段も整備されるなど、情報の伝達速度はますます加速しています。私たちは、身体に縛られた持続的な時間と、視覚や聴覚の把握による瞬間的な時間の中で揺れ動いている存在と言えるのかもしれません。











馬場晋作(成安造形大学 准教授)


Seian Arts Attention 13 “fringe and fringe” features paintings and installation works on the theme of time and experience. With the spread of COVID-19, the movement of people has been greatly restricted. At the same time, however, we can easily access information, as virtual conversation becomes more common and a means of virtual art appreciation has been developed.  through the internet the method of viewing the art pieces has developed. We might be able to say that our presence is ambivalent about time; we are living as oscillating between sustained time tied to our bodies and instantaneous time grasped by sense of sight and hearing. In this exhibition, we will attempt to bring out the experience of our unconscious time perception via the artworks. We hope you will enjoy the time and experience existing in the paintings that emerge from the contrast between the work of the exhibitors, Yutaka Koyanagi, Torawo Nakagawa, and Shinsaku Baba.


Seian Art Center, Seian University of Art and Design


As the proverb goes, “Grasp Fortune by the forelock.” The God who is the origin of the word "Kairos," means momentary time, to have a long fringe but to be bald at the back of the head.

In painting it is an orthodox process to take a repetitive approach for drawing and painting the object.  When an artist takes time to create a work of art, it will accumulate and become visible on the surface. However, art appreciation also enables us to grasp the whole picture or image of a scene instantaneously. In painting artworks, the boundary—that is, fringe—of the timeline is unevenly dispersed due to the gathering of multiple timelines. The word “fringe and fringe” from this exhibition’s title illustrate the intervals of various time and timeline in painting. Painting is the interesting media that can move freely through time and can be as it is, being ambivalent toward timeline.

As tormented by the spread of COVID-19, we are forced to reconsider the meaning of distance, time, and the experiences created within it. In this exhibition, three artists will present their approaches to painting; they are on the fringes of the art world, attempting to make contact with the edge of time and distance. It is our hope that this project will form the edge of the "time" and "experience" hidden in paintings to reconsider.


Shinsaku Baba (Associate Professor, Seian University of Art and Design)


*fringe and fringe 縁と前髪・展評

「絵画の干渉地帯」(美術批評 沢山 遼氏)はこちらから

「生活の中にある絵画ならではの絵画展」(滋賀県立美術館ディレクター[館長] 保坂 健二朗氏)はこちらから











360° Exhibition View


           撮影:株式会社 KYO-ZON


小柳 裕 | Koyanagi Yutaka
中川 トラヲ | Nakagawa Torawo
馬場 晋作 | Baba Shinsaku



2021 夏の芸術月間 セイアンアーツアテンション 13
fringe and fringe 縁と前髪

会 期|2021年7月13日[火]—8月6日[金]11:00—17:00
休館日|日・月曜日・祝日 *7月25日[日]はオープンキャンパスのため開館
会 場|成安造形大学【キャンパスが美術館】
  • 05ギャラリーウインドウ
  • 06ギャラリーアートサイト
主 催|学校法人京都成安学園100周年記念事業、成安造形大学、成安造形大学同窓会
企画原案|馬場晋作(成安造形大学 准教授)
展示コーディネート|田中 真吾(成安造形大学 専任職員、【キャンパスが美術館】キュレーター)
デザイン|塩谷 啓悟
会場撮影|守屋 友樹
イベント撮影|オカモト アユミ