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  3. キャンパスが美術館企画展 過日を掬う −Capture the Memory−

過日を掬う −Capture the Memory−

日・月休館 ※6月2日[日]は開館

Design|有澤 愛祈


本展では、成安造形大学に勤務しているアーティストの中から、身の回りの出来事や自身の生活を独自の視点と技法で作品化している5名の作家(岩﨑萌森、大﨑緑、竹村花菜、878 hanaya、水野智鶴)を紹介します。











 Seian Art Center holds a special exhibition Capture the Memory. Artists of this exhibition, working at Seian University of Art and Design, use techniques and their creativity to apply things in daily life or the lifestyle itself to their artworks.

   We live in an uncertain time. Our daily scenes are reflected in our eyes as if we are in an ever-flowing river. People try to capture each piece of information or object that would otherwise be lost or forgotten in various ways. For example, by taking a picture on a smartphone or by keeping a diary. In this case, the action such as pressing the shutter button of a smartphone and writing down some notes could be seen as capturing a moment temporarily. Through looking back at the picture and the diary repeatedly, the captured moment will be recorded as something special.

All of the artists in the exhibition also capture the moment in events or daily life by forming them into art works. In particular, they capture new beginnings, hometown, a memorable sight and family. Various perspectives enrich their creativity: for example, the time, techniques, and knowledge used to create their artworks. The artists’ feeling also affects their work: what they think of the object and the ways perceived by the viewers. Art creation can be conceptualized as a behavior that not only captures an event but also supplements information that is associated with the works and emotions of the creators.

 It is our hope that this exhibition will encourage viewers to consider and experience what the artists would capture from the works.


岩﨑 萌森 | IWASAKI Memori
大﨑 緑 | OZAKI Midori
竹村 花菜 | TAKEMURA Kana
878 hanaya | HANAYA
水野 智鶴 | MIZUNO Chizuru



「過日を掬う −Capture the Memory−」

会  期|2024年5月31日[金]—6月29日[土]
時  間|11:00–17:00
休  館|日・月曜休館 ※6月2日[日]は開館
会  場|成安造形大学 キャンパスが美術館
  • 05ギャラリーウインドウ
  • 06ギャラリーアートサイト
主  催|成安造形大学 キャンパスが美術館
出展作家|岩﨑 萌森 | IWASAKI Memori
大﨑 緑 | OZAKI Midori
竹村 花菜 | TAKEMURA Kana
878 hanaya | HANAYA
水野 智鶴 | MIZUNO Chizuru
企  画|田中 真吾(成安造形大学 専任職員、キャンパスが美術館 学芸員)
展示コーディネート|近持 久世(成安造形大学 技能職員、キャンパスが美術館 学芸員)
デザイン|有澤 愛祈