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  3. SEIAN ARTS ATTENTION 17 共食 -Eating Together-
Design|藤井 良平



今年のセイアンアーツアテンションでは、「食とコミュニティ」をテーマに据えて「共食(きょうしょく)-Eating Together-」と題した展覧会を開催します。














The Art Month in Fall, 2024 / SEIAN ARTS ATTENTION 17

Eating Together


Seian Arts Attention is pleased to present an exhibition this year, “Eating Together.” This exhibition focuses on the possibility of food nowadays, in a sustainable society, and examines the relation between food and community through appreciating artworks.

Naorai has taken place traditionally as one of the most important religious ceremonies in festivals since ancient times in Japan. Locals offer up food to welcome the god(s) and the offered food is eaten together by them at the end of the festivals. The rite is performed to gain a sense of unity with the god(s) and between the locals, which has lasted into the present day. 

   In our daily life, we gather and talk over food—the taste and the coloring of food sometimes help us have a great conversation. Food is essential to all human beings in the first place. In other words, our eating habit can be seen as one which reflects on social and cultural changes today. We are fortunate that we have plenty of food and rich food culture in Japan. At the same time, people are caring about the concept of “sustainability” (e.g., reducing food loss and waste and increasing the production and consumption of local food) because of the natural environment and social issues today. Moreover, thinking about what food or food system is sustainable would make us also think about where we are and the community we live in. As mentioned above, food plays a significant role in connecting locals with communities. The relation between food and communities is indispensable so that we should keep it in mind to create a better local community for us. 

All of the artworks in this exhibition remind us of the relation between food and communities, and the artists present different aspects toward the topic from unique points of view. We hope you will have an opportunity to think about local communities and our life in future through visiting the exhibition.





大原 歩 | OHARA Ayumi
谷  穹 | TANI Q
てらいまき | TERAI Maki
永田 康祐 | NAGATA Kosuke
福島 あつし | FUKUSHIMA Atsushi


2024 秋の芸術月間 セイアンアーツアテンション 17
共食 -Eating Together-

会 期|2024年10月15日[火]—11月9日[土]11:00—17:00
会 場|成安造形大学【キャンパスが美術館】
  • 01バスストップギャラリー
  • 02スパイラルギャラリー
  • 04ライトギャラリー
  • 05ギャラリーウインドウ
  • 06ギャラリーアートサイト
  • 00コミュニティスペース「結」
主 催|成安造形大学、成安造形大学同窓会
企画原案|加藤 賢治(成安造形大学副学長 / 本学教授 / キャンパスが美術館館長)
ディレクション|田中 真吾(成安造形大学 専任職員 / キャンパスが美術館学芸員)
展示コーディネート|近持 久世(成安造形大学 技能職員 / キャンパスが美術館学芸員)
デザイン|藤井 良平