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  3. SEIAN ARTS ATTENTION 16 Error of Reality



 今年のセイアンアーツアテンションでは、「Error of Reality」と題した展覧会を開催致します。私たちの現実世界を捉える感性や認識に少しだけエラーを起こさせるような、現実と虚構の間を行き来する、ユニークでユーモアのある5組の作品を紹介していきます。










30th Opening of Seian University of Art and Design
Anniversary Exhibition
The Art Month in Fall, 2023 / SEIAN ARTS ATTENTION 16
Error of Reality


 Seian Arts Attention is pleased to present an exhibition this year, “Error of Reality.” We will show unique and humorous works by artists whose creation lets viewers see reality and fiction, which may cause slight errors in our sensitivity and perception of the real world.

 How do you feel about the current situation of your life? Are you satisfied with it? It seems the latest progress of scientific technology and infrastructure has been remarkable, which indicates we have a high standard of living. On the other hand, we haven’t been able to prevent any natural disasters, COVID-19 pandemic, wars, or any other disasters we have experienced in the early 21st century. Japan’s economy is stagnant, the birth rate is declining, the population is aging, and there are many uncertain challenges that need to be solved. A lot of us surely feel satisfied with our lives, but more than that, some of us feel uncertain about being trapped in the moment and our future.
 This exhibition examines the possibility of "errors" in our sensitivity and perception of the real world. An error, derived from Latin, means that something that was deviated from what it should be. For example, in the field of computer programming, an error occurs when the description (i.e., program) is not written properly. We tend to think of these “errors” as bad or mistakes, but errors could also be interpreted as tips to identify what the current situation is wrong as well as ones leading to make the situation better.
Our sensitivity to the real world sometimes shows us the glimpses of such errors. When we are presented with a variety of things, what we perceive as reality may not be real. What we perceive as fiction may be reality and these errors of sensitivity can be the source of trouble. However, such errors could be seen in a different perspective: one can reconsider the way of life and change the mindset from negative to positive.

 This exhibition will display unique and humorous works that cause a slight error to change visitors’ way of thinking in the real world. The error will also inspire our imagination to see the world from a different perspective. The expression of artists is perfectly balanced between reality and fiction, giving viewers a great opportunity to reflect on their viewpoints. We hope you could develop a more versatile perspective to enjoy everyday life and enrich your mind through this exhibition.









今村 遼佑 | IMAMURA Ryosuke
垣本 泰美 | KAKIMOTO Hiromi
虚構新聞社社主UK+本学在学生 | Kyoko Shimbun UK+Students of Seian University
谷平 博 | TANIHIRA Hiroshi
平瀬 ミキ | HIRASE Miki



2023 秋の芸術月間 セイアンアーツアテンション 16
Error of Reality

会 期|2023年10月13日[金]—11月11日[土]11:00—17:00
会 場|成安造形大学【キャンパスが美術館】
  • 01バスストップギャラリー
  • 02スパイラルギャラリー
  • 04ライトギャラリー
  • 05ギャラリーウインドウ
  • 06ギャラリーアートサイト
  • 07ギャラリーキューブ
主 催|成安造形大学、成安造形大学同窓会
企画原案|真下 武久(成安造形大学 准教授)
ディレクション|田中 真吾(成安造形大学 専任職員、【キャンパスが美術館】学芸員)
展示コーディネート|近持 久世(成安造形大学 技能職員、【キャンパスが美術館】学芸員)
イベント撮影 / 会場撮影|オカモト アユミ / 守屋 友樹