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  3. SEIAN ARTS ATTENTION 15 みちとゆくえ|うつろいのしかた
Design|奥山 太貴








25th Foundation of Alumni Association of Seian University of Art and Design
Anniversary Exhibition
The Art Month in Fall, 2022 / SEIAN ARTS ATTENTION 15
Michi: A Road, Way, and Transition in the Future


 This exhibition introduces the works of five artists and the opportunities for visitors to reconsider a multiple concept of michi in Japanese that connects people and places.

 During the three years of COVID-19 pandemic, we have been restricted in our movements. This has been impacting us in our daily lives and it still continuously affects us. However, we utilize technology and networks to find out new ways and lifestyles filling gaps in our restricted senses under difficult situations. Have you ever thought “I need something at any cost?” or “I want to connect with someone or something?”­­ These desires are essential in our daily lives. This also proves that nothing can replace encountering and connecting to others directly.

 There is a road (michi) between places. Assuming that a road connects our current places and various activities in our lives, it plays a role of connecting and mixing the present and the future, and producing human activity. Michi also has a dynamic function: connecting to unexpected things or people. In other words, michi is a fluid platform that carries not only people, products, and money, but also language, culture, and the values and time that accompany them from the past to the present. On the other hand, michi implies we are on the way to somewhere, which means one of the ways (michi) to reach the destination. Moreover, michi means not only a road, but can also be seen as a way or process of connecting to something, touching something, and mixing with something. In short, the concept of michihas multiple meanings: a road, a way and process, and a place where one or thing makes a transition.

 This exhibition explores the concept of michi in detail: from a road, the process happened constantly to transition. We also present and reconsider various ways of contacting places and places, places and people, and people and people through the artworks.





「あいだをつなぐはフリーハンド」(アート・メディエーター はが みちこ)はこちらから









牛島 光太郎 | USHIJIMA Koutarou
大村 大悟 | OHMURA Daigo
下道 基行 | SHITAMICHI Motoyuki
タイルとホコラとツーリズム(谷本研+中村裕太) | Tiles, Small Shrine and Tourism (TANIMOTO Ken + NAKAMURA Yuta)
和田 ながら / わたしたちのフリーハンドなアトラス | WADA Nagara / Our Freehand Atlas



2022 秋の芸術月間 セイアンアーツアテンション 15

会 期|2022年10月18日[火]—11月12日[土]11:00—17:00
会 場|成安造形大学【キャンパスが美術館】
  • 01バスストップギャラリー
  • 02スパイラルギャラリー
  • 04ライトギャラリー
  • 05ギャラリーウインドウ
  • 06ギャラリーアートサイト
  • 07ギャラリーキューブ
主 催|成安造形大学、成安造形大学同窓会
企画原案|馬場晋作(成安造形大学 准教授)
ディレクション|田中 真吾(成安造形大学 専任職員、【キャンパスが美術館】キュレーター)
展示コーディネート|会見 貫太朗(成安造形大学 技能職員、【キャンパスが美術館】スタッフ)
デザイン|奥山 太貴
撮影|オカモト アユミ 守屋 友樹