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  3. キャンパスが美術館企画展 観察者のまなざし


日・月休館 ※6月4日[日]は開館

Design|寺田 駿志








Through the Eyes


 This exhibition introduces various genres of artworks created through and inspired by "observation" of the things around us. Observation generally means the action of carefully identifying things as they are and gaining objective knowledge from them. Everything has become measurable with the development of modern science and technology, which means that people have acquired the ability and the ways to see things objectively. As the word "objective" itself refers to "a way of thinking that everyone can see something plausible” and “a state of being independent of subjectivity,” the discovery of objectivity separates people from things and distinguishes between subject and object. Certainly, things and phenomena quantified by scientific measurements are plausible as the information that could be shared with everyone. Is objective knowledge, however, the only thing we gain from observation?
 In the field of art, observation often has a great impact on the creation of artworks. Artists mostly decide colors and shapes of the works in subjective ways, which leads to shaping their unique world view. Not only do the artists look at the thing objectively, but they project themselves into the artwork: the feeling that how moved or inspired they are by the object has been changing their perspectives, preferences and even their world view.
 The artists in this exhibition also create artworks from their own points of view: their inspiration comes from looking carefully at sceneries and someone’s behavior in daily lives or wherever they go. How do the artists observe things, change their world views by the experience and then sublimate their emotion and inspiration into a work? We believe that visitors could see various attempts to express what the artists see through their eyes.
 The artists in this exhibition are supporting the educational and research activities of students at the university. We hope that this exhibition will provide an opportunity for students to see another side of the artists.








会見 貫太朗 | AIMI Kantaro
西田 優史 | NISHIDA Masafumi
丹羽 彩乃 | NIWA Ayano
山田 真実 | YAMADA Mami
六根 由里香 | ROKKON Yurika




会  期|2023年6月2日[金]—7月1日[土]
時  間|11:00–17:00
休  館|日・月曜休館 ※6月4日[日]は開館
会  場|成安造形大学【キャンパスが美術館】
  • 05ギャラリーウィンドウ
  • 06ギャラリーアートサイト
主  催|成安造形大学【キャンパスが美術館】
出展作家|会見 貫太朗 | AIMI Kantaro
西田 優史 | NISHIDA Masafumi
丹羽 彩乃 | Niwa Ayano
山田 真実 | YAMADA Mami
六根 由里香 | ROKKON Yurika
企  画|田中 真吾(成安造形大学 専任職員、【キャンパスが美術館】学芸員)
展示コーディネート|近持 久世(成安造形大学 技能職員、【キャンパスが美術館】学芸員)
デザイン|寺田 駿志
会場撮影|守屋 友樹