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  3. キャンパスが美術館企画展 てんかいするメソッド



Design|塩谷 啓悟





Methods for Creation

     When an artist creates a work, there is the motif to be created, such as still lives, landscapes, or persons. The works include performance using one’s body and abstract art without any motifs, but those reflect the artist himself or herself; in other words, the artists themselves could be the theme. The motifs and motives of creation vary from artist to artist.  They are not necessarily something special: they exist around us in daily lives, during our travels, and artists’ experiences and thoughts. However, the common motifs selected are developed and transformed according to the artist's unique methods to be presented as artworks that give new perspectives. What methods are used to create the works we encounter at the exhibition? In this exhibition, we will focus on the artist's unique methods of creation and see how each motif selected is developed and transformed.

Takeo seeks to transform motifs such as plants into new expressions through the repetition of complex transfer processes using copper plates and copying machines. Hayashi attempts to create works of difficult-to-visualize objects such as the voice and the space inside the body by drawing directly on the wall with a "lip print" or by using resin to create a mold of the oral cavity. Miyake uses plants as her motif in the same way as Teko, but her artworks remind us of memories and dreams through black-and-white images appearing when looking at them from different angles and reflecting light. Morita has painted the faces of more than one hundred species of animals. She carefully selects animals under the restrictions of breeding as her motifs from researching on laws and regulations that are constantly updated to protect plants and animals. Yamazaki uses photographs he has daily taken by a mixture of 3D scanning and printing techniques. His artworks are known as “nested” paintings: the layer of printed photographs on a work includes his previous works.

 All of the artists in this exhibition are active in their respective fields while supporting the educational and research activities of students at the university. We hope that this exhibition will provide an opportunity to show the artworks of the artists who are usually teaching and guiding students.









武雄 文子 | TAKEO Ayako
林 葵衣 | HAYASHI Aoi
三宅 佑紀 | MIYAKE Yuki
森田 存 | MORITA Ali
山﨑 愛彦 | YAMAZAKI Yoshihiko




会  期|2022年9月2日[金]—9月24日[土]
時  間|11:00–17:00
休  館|日・月曜休館
会  場|成安造形大学【キャンパスが美術館】
  • 05ギャラリーウィンドウ
  • 06ギャラリーアートサイト
主  催|成安造形大学【キャンパスが美術館】
出展作家|武雄 文子 | TAKEO Ayako
林 葵衣 | HAYASHI Aoi
三宅 佑紀 | MIYAKE Yuki
森田 存 | MORITA Ali
山﨑 愛彦 | YAMAZAKI Yoshihiko
企  画|田中 真吾(成安造形大学 専任職員、【キャンパスが美術館】キュレーター)
展示コーディネート|会見 貫太朗(成安造形大学 技能職員、【キャンパスが美術館】スタッフ)
デザイン|塩谷 啓悟
会場撮影|守屋 友樹